Diagram showing the effects and symptoms of ARFID

The most common Types of ARFID

When we talk about ARFID, it’s definitely not a one size fits all diagnosis.

And on top of that, there a few different Types of ARFID.

From a therapy point of view, it’s really important to know what type of ARFID a person has, so we can tailor the therapy to give them the best possible outcome.

The two broad types of ARFID are Aversive ARFID and Avoidant (or Sensory) ARFID.

The first type, Aversive ARFID, is where some past food trauma created such a negative emotional or physical experience for the person, that their mind lost trust with food.

Some of things that make young children or babies frightened of food are when they get gastro or vomit, reflux….