ARFID Food Phobia Therapy Program

 Specialist Hypnotherapy logo 80 x 80A Fast & Effective 3 Step Process that helps Eliminate ARFID Food Phobia. The ARFID Food Phobia Therapy Program is a proven therapy process that has been used with over 6,000 clients.

How does the Specialist ARFID Therapy Program work?

The client is given insight and instruction into how their minds work (the conscious and subconscious minds), and why their subconscious mind creates strong patterns of behaviours.

The client is then shown how their personal life experiences & personality have contributed to them developing ARFID. This understanding and insight gives the client the key to unlock change.

And finally, the client is taught how to successfully negotiate with their mind, to let go of their old unnecessary ARFID thoughts & feelings, and be FREE to start being the Boss of Food again.

Typically, by the end of the first or second session of the Program, the majority of ARFID clients are able to reach out and explore previously ‘non safe’ foods without their old thoughts and feelings shutting them down.

Typical results experienced by clients who have attended ARFID Food Phobia Therapy Program include:

  • Being able to sit at the dinner table with family
  • Reduced stress in the family home around mealtimes
  • Taking some new foods to school in the lunchbox
  • Sitting at a restaurant and exploring new foods without stress
  • Enjoying going to parties, sleepovers, etc. without food anxiety
  • Having fun travelling without having to take safe foods
  • Beginning to have more energy (food is fuel)
  • Expanding current foods for positive health benefit
  • Being more spontaneous without the need to over plan food
  • Generally feeling less anxious, now that the internal food fear is releasedfrom exploring new food options.

ARFID Food Phobia Therapy Program.

The therapy is conducted over two appointments either in Clinic or via Zoom. The efficacy of the Therapy is the same whether conducted in Clinic or via Zoom.
  • The first session is the main ARFID therapy process and is approximately 90-120 minutes.
  • The follow up 45-60 minute session is conducted 7-14 days later and helps with momentum and to consolidate the first session.
  • An hypnotic audio recording is provided to consolidate the sessions.

Specialist ARFID Therapy is suitable for clients aged 9+, teens and adults. (Younger children of 7 or 8 may also be suitable, depending on their maturity, awareness of the issue, and desire for change).

The therapy is a combination of Psychology Phobia Release protocols, Hypnosis and education on the functioning of the mind. The Therapy involves the use of metaphors, stories and imagination and is tailored to the age of the client.

There is a Hypnosis/Relaxation component to the Therapy, although this is NOT the main part of the Therapy. (For younger children, hypnosis is not necessary for a positive outcome, and eyes can be kept open or closed)

Food does NOT form part of the Therapy. However all clients bring in a few items of food that they currently do not eat. This food is only there so that at the end of the session, the client can try the food to test how the therapy has progressed.

Parents are encouraged to stay in the room for the duration of the Therapy.

Call now on 1300 323 203 or +61 3 8592 4735 to speak to one of our Therapists about the ARFID Food Phobia Therapy Program.


View a short video overview of the ARFID Food Phobia Therapy Program by Hypnotherapist Glenn Robertson. Over 6,000 clients internationally have experienced the benefits of Specialist ARFID Therapy.