Specialist Hypnotherapy logo 80 x 80Research has shown that it is not uncommon for Autistic people to have ‘feeding problems’. These can include sensitivities to certain food groups, lack of interest in food, anxiety about certain types of food, and a preference to eat certain foods over and over again. These common Autistic food behaviours usually fit into the category of ‘fussy eating’, however ARFID is more severe and restrictive.

Some autistic people have heightened sensory sensitivities that can lead to sensory overload. When this sensitivity is felt around food, it can lead to ARFID behaviours and symptoms.

It is also common for some Autistic people to derive comfort from repetitive behaviours and a ‘routine’. This may present itself in rigid behaviours around the types and brands of food eaten, the order food is eaten, the time food is eaten, and can result in a restrictive list of ‘safe foods’ that may lead to ARFID behaviours.

It is estimated that up to 30% of people with ARFID are also on the Autism Spectrum.

For people with ADHD, inattentiveness or distraction can make it easy to miss meals. A lack of interest in food can lead to meal times being an unnecessary interruption, and if food is eaten quickly without care, sometimes choking incidents can occur.

People with ADHD often struggle with mood disorders and anxiety, and these can also have a negative impact around existing foods and exploring new foods.

And medication for ADHD can often supress appetite, compounding the problem.
Specialist ARFID Therapy takes into account the individual perspectives of the client, and tailors the therapy experience to tap into the personal strengths and ‘world view’ that each client brings to the therapy process.

Call now on 1300 323 203 or +61 3 8592 4735 to speak to one of our Therapists about the Program.

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