I would like to share something phenomenal and life changing that happened to our son yesterday.

After struggling for over a decade with “fussy eating” our son was finally diagnosed with ARFID earlier this year.

Over the years we have spent hundreds and hundreds of dollars on “eating specialists”, CBT, food exposure treatments, you name it we have done it.

In the end, I found Glenn Robertson from Specialist Hypnotherapy.

We were prepared to fly our Son to Melbourne for the therapy with Glenn, when I discovered he was offering treatment to ARFID sufferers in Perth.

After a couple of months wait my son finally had his therapy with Glenn in Northbridge yesterday.

I sat with my son during his therapy and watched as the miracle unfolded, with him trying more than 4 different foods by the end of the session and honestly looking like a new boy!

His tiredness seemed to lift away, he was filled with hope and excitement about the future. I cried then and I cried with joy all the way home as I told him more times than I can remember, how proud of him his dad and I were.

This will change our Son’s life. His energy levels, his brain power, his school life, behaviour, his social experiences like camps and birthday parties, holidays without a separate suitcase full of “safe foods”, maybe ditch the vitamin and mineral supplements and hopefully he will now be able to sit with us at the dinner table with our (once) “smelly foods”

A new journey has just begun and my mummy cup has been refilled to the brim. So very very proud of our boy! So happy!

Thank you Glenn from the bottom of my heart

Julie B

WA, Australia